Board of Health

Mission Statement

In 1799 the nation's first Health Department was formed in Boston, MA with Paul Revere as its Health Officer. Back then the board was formed to fight a potential outbreak of Cholera. In 1869 Massachusetts established the State Board of Health.

Today disease prevention and health promotion are still the primary goals of the local Health Department, which in Warren, is overseen by a three member elected Board of Health. The Guidebook for Boards of Health guides local officials in mandated and suggested activities, considering local conditions and available resources.

The Warren Board of Health is responsible under the Department of Public Health regulations, and the Department of Environmental Protection regulations. It oversees, monitors, inspects, investigates, and/or follows up on all Food Establishments, The State Sanitary Code, Communicable Diseases, Tobacco Control, Emergency Preparedness, Plumbing and Gas Work, Beaver Trapping, Barns and Animals, Percolation Tests, Subsurface Sewerage Systems, Well Installations, the Landfill, and Daily Operations of the Town Transfer Station.

Food sanitation oversight is one of the most important activities of the Warren Health Department because of the potential for serious food-borne illness. The Town of Warren has 20 food service establishments, including retail food stores, restaurants, seasonal farm stands, bars, bakeries, and schools. Two inspections are done at each establishment each year, more if compliance issues are found or suspected. Temporary food service events add additional inspections each year.

The Warren Board of Health, under the authority of the State Sanitary Code, 105 CMR 410.000 Minimum Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation, responds to complaints by residents concerning possible health and safety violations within the town. Resident complaints include safety violations, inappropriate garbage/rubbish storage and disposal, rodent/insect infestations, noise, and air quality concerns. When violations of the State Sanitary Code are found a Correction Order is written to the property owner.

The Warren Board of Health is also charged with maintaining, updating, and practicing for the implementation of an emergency dispensing site to vaccinate residents in the event of a local or national pandemic.

The Barn/Animal Inspector performs annual inspections and livestock counts. All reports are submitted to the State of Massachusetts Agricultural Department. The inspector is also responsible for follow up on reported cases of rabies and determining if quarantine is warranted.

The Plumbing and Gas Inspector is charged with making sure all work completed complies with the  Massachusetts State Plumbing Code.

Call the Board of Health office with any questions, comments, or concerns.

(413) 436-5708  ext. 112

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Tamara Dufresne Animal Inspector
Christina Florence Title V Agent
Jessica Clarke Administrative Assistant 413-436-5701 ext 112

Board Members

Name Title
Donald J. Makowski Chairman
Daniel Thibodeau Member
James McKeon Member