Well Drilling Permits



P.O. BOX 478

WARREN, MA  01083-0478

Well Permit Fee $75.00, make check payable to Town of Warren.

When applying for a well permit, applicants must supply a plot plan with the well location clearly marked on the plan.

Guidelines to follow:  

1.  Private water supply wells should be located at least ten feet from all property lines.

2.  A well should be located a minimum of 15-feet from a gas line or overhead electric distribution line.

3.  All private water supply wells should be located a minimum of 25-feet from the normal driving surface of any roadway or a minimum of 15-feet  from the road right-of-way, whichever is greater.

4.  Under Title 5, (sewage disposal systems that discharge less than 15,000 per day), the well must be located a minimum of:

a.  50-feet from a septic tank

b.  100-feet from a leaching field

c.  100-feet from a privy

5.  Locations/distances not mandatory, however, may want to consider in relation to contamination:

a.  Petroleum storage tanks:  20-feet to 50-feet.

b.  Stables, barnyards, feedlots, manure piles and manure storage tanks: 100-feet.

Upon completion, please submit a copy of the Well Completion Report to the Board of Health.